“If you want to live a happy life, tie it to a goal, not to people or objects.”
Lim Shi Chan
Rep No. LSC300132985
Shi Chan is a compassionate individual who wishes to actively help people around her, not only in terms of financial advice, but also for any other problems they face in life. She has personally experienced how poor financial decisions have caused a large spillover to various aspects of one’s life. She is thus a staunch believer that being equipped with good financial literacy as early as possible helps to solve many problems one faces later.
She firmly believes that “钱可以解决的问题就不是问题·” (loosely translates to: it is not a problem if money can solve it) and so is dedicated to impacting as many lives as possible through her career as a financial consultant. Shi Chan is in constant pursuit of growth as an individual and as a professional, translating it to the best advice she can offer to people around her, so that clients of hers can smoothly reach their financial goals.
Lim Shi Chan
For any queries, please reach out to me via the options above.
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