Nigel Quek Jun Xian
Rep No. NQJ300073930
Nigel started his career as financial consultant right after his National Service in 2019. Prior to that, he took up several part-time jobs since the age of 15. His past working experiences has taught him the importance of hard work and self-discipline.
While serving National Service, Nigel's father was hospitalized and that was when he realised that his father did not have any insurance policies under his name. It was a tough period for Nigel and his family as they had to find means to pay off the hospital and medical bills. This episode truly opened his eyes on the importance of financial planning at a young age.
Nigel aims to reach out to more people to spread awareness on financial literacy. He firmly believes that everyone is connected in someway, so by helping one person it can lead to benefitting many others involved in their lives.
During his free time, Nigel likes to hang out with his friends for some chill drinks, food, karaoke and workout sessions.
Nigel Quek Jun Xian
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