The art of managing money doesn’t start when you are rich, it starts now.


Terry Tan Soon Lee
Rep No. TTS300388503

MDRT (2021-2023)
IDA (2021-2022)
GELAC AWARDS (2020-2023)

Terry is an extremely driven individual who works with like-minded people towards achieving their financial goals. He is passionate in honing his craft to ensure that he is always able to deliver at his own high standards.

His pursuit of self-improvement and professionalism includes professional designations and accolades. In just his second year, he attained the accreditation of Associate Estate Planning Practitioner (AEPP®) and achieveed the prestigious Great Eastern Life Achievers Club (GELAC) Awards.

Terry is no stranger to taking on leadership positions, having numerous basketball team captaincies and CCA chairpersons under his belt. Likewise, he aspires to build a strong team of motivated advisors and strives to bring all towards financial freedom through the two forms of leadership he believes, serving and leading by example.

Terry Tan Soon Lee

For any queries, please reach out to me via the options above.


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